Thursday, January 30, 2020

Genius Hour - My Sentence

Coming up with a sentence that fits how I hope to feel after my organization journey was easier than I thought. My sentence - She organized a piece of her life that helped her continue to find balance that she always strives to have for her family, and herself.

Balance is my One Word that we came up with at the beginning of the school year. This Genius Hour project is going to help me stay organized in one area that could spread to my whole start to the day! Just by having an organized closet, I feel it will save time in the mornings, which will make life easier for our whole family :)

The Container Store's magazine with my notes.
This past weekend I scheduled a meeting with a very nice lady, Theresa, at The Container Store to discuss the entire process of making a closet functionable. I brought in measurements, the magazine that I wrote notes in, and we got to work! She showed me all of the different ways to make your space something that fits the needs of my husband and I.

My diagram and measurements.

We worked through some key details from how many hoodies do we really need, to what each drawer could be used for and where to put them. These are all things, by the way, that I never imagined myself putting so much time and effort into. But I have to tell you - it felt amazing!

One style that I liked
from a display on the floor.

Theresa's knowledge and skilled eye helped me narrow down my ideas for the closet and I now feel like I can begin to take what I have learned (and soon purchased) and get to organizing!


  1. Justine,
    I love the container store and I think it is so great that you used them as a resource! It sounds like this project is coming along well for you!

  2. Wow! I am super impressed. I need Theresa in my life...and my closet!

  3. I am going to continue to stalk your blog for ideas! Let me know if you find any bins that work well! One of my friends just recently redid her closet and they had her measure her shoes even to make sure that everything would fit! What a great idea that I wouldn't have thought of!

  4. I also The Container Store, and love organized closets! You have to feel great about your progress! How in the world are you handling a move, school and co-hort? You Rock!!

  5. I like your pictures and diagram of the process. I need to start adding more myself!

  6. I am SO JEALOUS that I didn't think of this idea! I firmly believe that clutter causes anxiety (at least for me) and organizing your closet is such a great way to start off with a clear head each morning! Going to the Container Store for research was an awesome idea. I can't wait to see photos! I live for this kind of stuff!!

  7. The Container Store can be dangerous. You go in for a shelf and end up dropping $30,000. Can't wait to see the final product at your house-warming party!
    Also, the sketch is so YOU. Gotta have those visuals!

  8. Your blog has given me an idea for my own home. I am going to take the closet organizer out of one closet in a room not used and install it i our master beedroom closet.

  9. I can relate to you sentence. It is what we all strive for - balance. I look forward to seeing how this projects turns out. The transformation will be amazing, I'm sure.

  10. I love your sentence, Justine! Balance is something I always strive for, too! I had to clean out our home for staging purposes before we put it up for sale. It's an amazing thing to declutter and organize. It's a beautiful feeling!
    Good luck! Can't wait to see the final product!
