Sunday, March 3, 2019

#flipgrid #mysterygridpals

Wow! I cannot believe how much I have been missing out on! Flipgrid is one of the easiest ways to connect with other classrooms across the globe. Recently, I was asked by my favorite instructor, Kim Darche, to find a class to connect to, and create a collaborative activity to use as the base of our connection. I started to dabble in the world of collaboration outside of my district, and started to realize that there are so many ways to connect to others. Flipgrid in particular, had a feature that made it quite easy! They have a recently new feature called, Gridpals, that offers up an easy way to find other educators that want to connect. I used this feature to connect with a class in Alaska. We did a Mystery Gridpals activity where each student had to create a video introducing themselves, and share 2-3 facts about the place they live. Then, each student needed to respond to another student from the connecting class, possibly asking a question. Once each student received a question, they answered without completely giving away their location! Once the whole class has looked through the videos and come up with a final guess, they sent over a final guess video! It was so much fun connecting with other across our country.

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