Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Course Reflection - 21st Century Educational Leadership

This was a fun course because we were able to create different professional development activities, and take on that leadership role for our colleagues. One activity that I found very beneficial was creating a Walk-Through Form. I think that it is important to be able to go into our colleagues classrooms, and learn from them! I love the #observeme movement, and I think it is important to spread this idea out to other educators. My Learning Walk-Through Form focuses on the H.E.A.T. observation rubric that is used to evaluate the level of engagement within a lesson, as well as incorporation of technology. I loved this rubric, and think that it narrows down the focus for the walk-through.

Another assignment that I was asked to complete, was a 4 Day Summer Institute Workshop.  The purpose of my institute workshop is to learn about a variety of ways to integrate technology into the classroom, that match the 4Cs model- collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

*Image downloaded from David Lee EdTech

I used a TON of activities and ideas that I have learned throughout this entire cohort to plan the 4 days. It was actually a great time for me to reflect on all of the amazing tools, apps, websites, brain breaks, activities, that we have learned during our time in this cohort. I would definitely love to share out some of these ideas with other colleagues that are not getting their technology endorsement with us!

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