Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Capstone Project

For our capstone project, we have been given the task to create a professional development opportunity for all of our District 181 colleagues. We are working together with our entire cohort to divvy up the tasks, and create an amazing experience for all. First, we met together and brainstormed our ideas, then narrowed it down to providing a professional development for colleagues to dive into technology within their classrooms. 

One struggle about designing something district-wide, is participation. We have come up with a number of ways to get people involved like stickers and incentives for participating in our challenge, but also recognition via social media and our district newsletter. Another challenge that I think we are all facing right now, is working with such a large group. We all trust each other in this cohort, and know that we will get the job down, however it is hard to all meet, share ideas, etc. due to the size of our group. We have a Google Doc with all of our committees, jobs/tasks, and ideas, but getting everyone to sit down in person will be the challenge. I am hoping we will be able to use more of our class meetings to work on this project.

I have personally been assigned to work with the incentives group! We are going to keep track of the points people earn, and providing the incentives for each step. We will be working together to order stickers, creating digital badges, gift cards, etc. to share out with our colleagues once they reach a certain point in their technology journey. We will also create a Digital Leaderboard, and keep that current. We will be in charge, along with the Promotion Group, in sharing out results along the way!

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